Where to begin… where to begin… that has been my wall to bust through in starting this correspondence with you. I am about to embark into a new chapter of my life. I am so excited and so nervous in the same breath.

As many of you know, singing and performing are a couple of my top passions, and earlier this year I was offered an opportunity to come to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico to do just that beginning in January. WOW… still can’t believe it and and am still pinching myself over it.

What started out as being 3 weeks of corporate gigs has now expanded possibly with additional opportunity through mid March. For me… This is just the avenue I have been wanting to experience: being in a location where I can perform often — more than once a week or twice a month, which is the norm in my small town of Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

Over the next few months, I’m looking forward to sharing with you a piece of my life, highlighting the ups and the downs of this journey. I will be leaning on you through the insecure moments as well as inviting you to do the Victory Dance during awesome and inspiring shows. I want to share with you the sights, sounds, culture, and kick ass music that Cabo San Lucas has to offer…

You with me on this? Well… time to buckle your seatbelt and LET’S DO THIS!